SEO Miami Basics, what is Keyword Research?
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SEO Miami Basics, what is Keyword Research?

Posted on September 28th, 2012 by | Google+

A keyword or keyword phrase is a word or series of words that a user enters into a search engine to find specific information, a service or a product. Keyword research is the process of analyzing and selecting a few of possible keywords or phrases to use in  the search engine optimization strategy for your website.


Keyword research is the base for any good SEO campaign, in fact it should be the very  first priority on your SEO to-do list. A large amount of your success will depend on how well you do your keyword research.  The most important thing to understand within Internet Marketing is your audience. Once you understand the audience you are targeting, you will have to find out what keywords and key-phrases they are searching for online.

Good keywords are those that bring you both traffic and conversions. Make sure your website fully describes in detail what types of products and services you offer. The more informative your website is the better the ranking.

There are several keyword types that can be targeted, all with different levels of difficulty and outcomes.

A broad keyword is one that many people search for. They  tend to be very short and vague, example: “computers” or “smartphones”. These keywords are very very difficult to rank high for because so many other websites might have them in their content or have an article or two that mention “computers”.

It’s not impossible to rank for a broad keyword, however it will take a lot of time and money to do so. But, if you can rank well for a broad keyword, you will be receiving a lot of traffic. We recommend to only choose a broad keyword if your industry is not very competitive.

A long tail keyword can contain many words that make the search very targeted. Individuals who do these type of searches know exactly what they want, example “smartphone carbon fiber protective skins”. These keywords are much less competitive and are easier to rank for on search engines. In terms of traffic, long tail keywords receive much less volume of searches per month. The more specific the keyword is the better it will perform. Finding long tail keywords that describe both your industry and have clear user intent is essential.

Branded keywords are words or phrases that are specific to only your company. They are one of the easiest ways to get traffic. However, some companies forget to optimize for new keywords that come out on their website. If you have a popular brand or product, make sure that you have optimized for your keywords. This will prevent from a competitor coming in and taking over the top rankings for these terms.

Before you can start optimizing your site for the search engines, you must first know which terms you want to target. Choose 3 or 4 keywords you would like your website to rank well. With these keywords you can experiment and discover which phrases have the highest ROI.

When it comes to keyword research and SEO there is no “one-size-fits-all” way to conduct keyword optimization. At SEO Miami Services we determine keyword research based completely on your site and your industry. Just remember SEO Keyword Research is a necessity!

About Miguel Angel Mendez-Carrillo

Considered a citizen of the world, SEO Miami Innovator, Social Media erudite and chronic Starbucks drinker… A proud Geek and guest Blogger. Currently working at

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